Each and every person working in team farmako is either an Artist or a Hacker by heart. The two categories are very common when it comes to people working in early stage start-ups.

Both do the things they like and they would do it no matter what. It's not about the money or fame or anything else.

Hackers are fools!

Hackers are fools and that's the great thing about them. The difference between a hacker and a normal person is that if a normal person likes a girl or boy, they would go and tell them directly. While a hacker would do everything to gain her or his attention but would not go and directly tell. Also one of the reasons why hackers are mostly single.

One thing you won't hear from a real hacker is- "That's not my job!"

Some of the hackers we love- Paul Graham, Sam Altman, & Linus Torvalds. You can find their pictures right there in our working area as you enter farm house.

The hackers' section at farm house

Artists are weird!

Artists are these weird creatures who care about their art-form more than anything. Weird and stubborn to a degree that if they've to tweak something in the app to get more users and the thing challenges the integrity of the artform, you will not be getting more users.

Some of the artists we love- Steve Jobs, Mahatama Gandhi. You can find their pictures right there in the working area as you enter farm house.

The Artists' section at farm house

When we were building the team, we didn't know that we are looking for these two category of people. We just went with our intuition and found the best coders and designers we personally knew. Later while reading PG's book- "Hacker & Painters", we realized that somehow we got a set of people we can categorize as hackers and artists.